The Orang Asli Projects (16 Years)

Category : Aquaculture
Period : 2003 – 2016

IMPACT : Showing native people how to develop sustainable food sources and sustainable incomes with the materials around them.

Details : Numerous projects to help instruct the OA to farm organically and to use the raw materials available to them in their surroundings. This was done in Peninsular Malaysia as well as Sabah and Sarawak as well as in neighboring countries such as Myanmar/ China. As an advisor and a founding member for Food For The Hungry International (FHI), this has been a continuous ongoing project

Projects are usually started by nonprofit organizations as a solution to bring up the Orang Asli from helplessness & Poverty, to own profits, and to have a sustainable food production system that will maintain their ecosystem, forest and reduce climate change. It was created to restore dignity, Strengthen Leadership and Unity, and Transforms relationships between consumer and farmer (the OA).

We are typically brought in to consult and advise on the setting up of a sustainable agriculture organic farm that can maintain the ecosystem vs mass-produced chemical food with high carbon emissions. Here the OA are educated and trained and were eager to learn new skills – everything from farm set up, seeding, harvesting, transplanting, grow-out, pest control, production of natural fertilizers (eg: teaching them to produce their own FAA) etc.