Farming Inputs

Revo Early-Riser Liquid Fertilizers

The Revo-Early Risers Liquid Fertilizer. It is a fast Release (Liquid) Organic Fertilizer that rapidly makes plant nutrients available. Typically applied using the soil-drench technique. Our Early-Risers is formulated to provide a growth booster for young plants

Revo Green Growth Liquid Fertlizers

The Revo-Green Growth Liquid Fertilizer. It is a fast Release (Liquid) Organic Fertilizer, just like the Early Risers. But unlike the Early Risers, the Green Growth Fertilizer is formulated to suit the plants nutrient uptake for the maintenance of the plant.

Revo Germination Grow Media

A good seedling soil mix will provide an ideal environment for plant development. This is why the Revo-Germination Grow Media was formulated.

Revo Soil Meal Grow Media

Our Revo-Soil Meal Grow Media is composed of all essential nutrients needed by plants and is the consistency to encourage healthy and strong root growth. The nutrients in our grow media are slow to release (there are some dry-soluble fertilizers designed to be dissolved in water).